


hi, my name is mike!

I go by Mike, Michael, and/or Miguel.
The lady behind the counter thought I said Macho.

Born in Oklahoma and raised in California and Texas. In the 1st grade, I drew Space Shuttles for kids in my class. My freshman year of college was spent thinking that I would be a fine artist. Georgia O'Keefe was my hero. At some point, I realized that the internet was going to provide infinite cyber walls that would need to be decorated. I changed directions and graduated with an Associates of Applied Science with a specialization in Interactive Media. 

I spent several years in the marketing department of a furniture store. I was severely unchallenged and decided it was time to head back to school. I graduated four years later from the University of Houston with a Bachelors degree in Graphic Communications. Since then, I’ve worked at Origin, Astadia, and Chaotic Moon / Fjord.


from the instagrams